I don't know about this art of mine. Spring is here and the birds are returning, flowers are pushing upwards and all of life and Nature is celebrating. I listened to the woodpeckers before I got out of bed this morning, to their song and their nok nok nokking. I asked myself --how do they make such marvelous music?
Later in the garden I watched some happy bees buzzing busily around the purple flowers on the borage. I said to myself, They know what they are about and they are actively pursuing it. But this art of mine... I don't know what to do. I feel like maybe it's the end of my glyph period. The end of a cycle. Or maybe just the end, I don't know, I don't know if there's another cycle. I can only say what I know --which is nothing.
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I don't know if art like yours is similar to writing but I've found that if I just make myself pound out stuff eventually something good appears. But if you are just tired, maybe enjoy the sunshine and the great spring days while they last.
Actually, (I hate that word but what can I say) I think it is similar to writing, it may even be writing in its own way.
To clarify: at times, in the past, when I felt lost and didn't have my footing or know where I was going, I considered how my art might fit into the context of literature(in the broadest sense, including comix, Egyptian hieroglyphs etc. --literary things) and it helped. There must be a story about the situation of feeling hopeless and lost but just keeping on keeping on, pounding it out, as you say, and eventually finding the light at the end of the tunnel or the gold or whatever.. Thanks for the support Kym.
I wonder if evolving artists (and other creative folk) feel similar to the way a mother does as her child grows and his needs change: we mourn skills we've developed that we are no longer called upon to use, we're anxious about being prepared for the next phase-- and what will that be?
It may be your season to rest for a while, HW. It may be time for you to enjoy, absorb, experience and receive. Play with the cat.
Thanks Kato that's good advice. It is the time now for me to be receptive. Zeke is funny. He likes to play with my sharpie marker pens. He'll swipe at the pen with one paw, then hold it in both paws and roll on his back with it and put it in his mouth, and then drop it and try to find it. Then he'll do it again. If I remove the cap and teach him to make marks on paper with it instead of put it in his mouth maybe he can learn to draw. He could take over the art department and I'd become his manager. We could go on tv shows like Leno and Oprah and be an overnight sensation --the cat-artist!
Zeke could be your serendipitous muse... or apprentice... or zen master!
I asked Zeke three questions:
1. Are you a muse? He waved his paw no.
2. Do you want to be my apprentice? He waved his paw no.
3. Are you a Zen master? He waved his paw but stopped mid-wave and looked me in the eye. He said, "that's enough questions from you, now I have one --what's the sound of one paw clapping?"
from Nothing it comes.
But Suzi, classic philosophy tells us that nothing comes from nothing.
felicidades por su Blog... y aprovecho para informarles “¿SABÍAS que...?” ahora puedes comprar directo de fábrica en San Luis Potosí, 1000 tarjetas de presentación por $150 pesos, encuentre más publicidad económica, en un solo lugar, teléfono 01 (444) 129-9057 web: http://promotorapublicitaria.es.tl
Gracias, please send el dinero directly to my email inbox. Happy cinco de mayo.
thats cewl, but Suzy wasnt thinging in terms of classicphilosophy.
Did you mean "nothingness" like in existentialism?
no Suzy wasnt thinging about western philosophy at all.
OK I'll bite, so then what were you referring to? Eastern philosophy? Did you mean nothing as in no thing Buddhism's concept of emptiness? Egolessness? Nirvana? Or what?!
Suzy wass referring to northern philosophy...
And what exactly is "northern philosophy"?
The north is the direction of wisdom on the great medicine wheel. Nothing is really short for northing, which is a word Suzy made up from combining north and thing --a northing is a gift of wisdom.
So you're saying that the word "nothing" that has been around for hundreds of years is short for a word, "northing", that you made up?
yes, becuz the medicine tells us that theres as many ways to thing about thinks as there are grains of sand on the beach --time is an illusion.
So in other words, Wisdom is Nothing?
yep, and as soon as it becomes something its no longer Wisdom, its knowledge.
Thanks Suzy.
think knowthing of it ;o)
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