78 paintings installed at The Studio, 3rd and C St. Old Town Eureka. Check 'em out at Art's Alive Sat. Oct. 3rd, 6pm to 9pm.

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- headwrapper
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Interesting exhibit. None of the cars go uphill.
I have to say again...I can't wait to see them!
As "they" have said-"it's all down hill from here!"
Re: downhill; that's the way to do it. Better mileage, after all.
Yes, it's downhill from here, better mileage, etc. Now if we could only remember our destination...
Helen Mae's?
I feel I must comment one more time on how cool these paintings look in a group.
Bravo Mr Reuben!!
Imagine being in the middle of all that trying to get through on a gondola....
Actually, I think te cars would sink in the canal leaving the lone gondolla to cruise along unhindered!!! LOL
Lovely turn of image Jhammer, thanks for that. I was crossing the street and as I was moving home I happened to have a mop in my hand ( I don't do broom sticks) well, a mop without the mop head it was....and there i stood, in the middle of the road between cars coming and cars going....when I saw a person from the past....who did not belong in my future from that past...and deftly I found myself pushing away from past present to the future like navigating time within a gondala with my mopheadless gondola stick, and yes, you could say, all the cars....sank....in the canal...you could say that, yeppers,along with the past that was not to be in the future....there in that moment of perception all that DID happen....and interestingly, of course, Reuben, the Picasso of our times, has already commented from the future on the nature of time and cars....in his newest comment here on his site... blessings.....just passing thru....commenting from Life
on a Traffic Island...
I'd like to see one of those headless mop sticks, are they painted? beaded? wrapped with wire and/or bandannas?
Hey Reuben...
Lol.....inspiration in the making....
unfortunately that particular mopheadless stick has been doing duty mopheaded on my floor and has no special dressing for the job either...apart from some eco-scent maybe ...Irecall tho' did write a short story once about a mop and broom that didnt like to come out the cupboard to do their chores lol....please have faith I can treat these creatures better by allowing their reluctance to do the dirty work all the time...maybe I need to elevate that mop stick and elevate myself in the process...thanks for continued wake up calls Reuben...lol....I do have a cherished and held sacred large and long piece of wood a branching branche no less that I fetched from the middle of a river
one time and carried home.....it has a branch growing on a branch like a water snake...and I've meant for a long time to bead and polish that one...for the home style self made shaker ( shaman styled healing shaker) has a wooden spoon for a handle.....soooooo I'll think about my mop stick now...after all the lessercretaures wood made into human objects are still sacred as all matter is...and interestingly...I bumped into an aquaintance out shopping for his work with kids not long back and who'd purveyed a hold bunch of mop headless mop sticks..for some improvisation or other.......with all such signs pointing the way, there may be art in all this yet , ay, especially not least not nark the occasion of passage through a sea of cars with just a stick...floating divinely in time.....well I hope you encounter this lil posting way down here sometime....Blessings upon Ye, Reuben...
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