

xxxxxxwhen within the tide pool

xxxxxxthe elephant speaks

xxxxxxto the cat and the pyramid . . .

xxxxxxand the 'T' and the old moon

xxxxxxthe alphabet reverse

xxxxxxso that 'a' comes last

xxxxxxand 'w' first

xxxxxxthen shall we understand

xxxxxxand track the star back home

xxxxxxto our Eden beneath the sea

Tide Pool - 11x6in - markers on blue cardboard


Anonymous said...


headwrapper said...

Crossgirl, Happy to see you here, thanks for stopping by :)

gps -- Thanks for the comment but I couldn't find your blog. What's the GPS?

Kristabel said...

I would like someone to read this to me right before I drift off to sleep.

headwrapper said...

And then you'd sail off in a shoe...

Kristabel said...

I'll be sailing off in that shoe tonight.

It's even more beautiful in real life.

Thank you.


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Post Office Box #1813, Redway CA 95560
WEBSITE: rsorensen.com
email: headwrapper99@yahoo.com
