Arts Alive Eureka
About eighty or so of my recent car paintings will be viewable at The Studio, 3rd and C St. on Saturday, September 5th, for Arts Alive in Old Town Eureka.

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does this signal an end to the car trip?
Short-sweet concise....He didn't mince about, throwing verbiage against the wall like still hard pasta. He said what he meant and meant what he said.
And then it was tomorrow.
Grrr, if I had read this in time, I would have gone to Arts Alive!!! Sorry I missed it. I hope it was a wonderful show!
corngratulations on your trip to Morris Graves today.
Hope you had a wonderful and inspiring time.
"He had visited the Liberace museum in Vegas and he thought--Hmmm--his sister was a union card carrying, dues paying Maracas player.
Perhaps there is a place in this scheme for us-Rube and me, drums-maracas, museum, Liberace.
It all fell into place-where ever that may be."
Congrats again!!!
Is your work still there?
Indie, they will be there for Oct Arts Alive.
Monica, the paintings will be there through Oct. and it'll be open to the public for Arts Alive on the first Sat. in Oct. But if you are ever in Old Town and have a half hour to kill --just stop by (3rd and 'C' 9am - 1pm) and mention my name and say you're a local artist too and they will show you around. They are open to giving a local artist a little tour. Give them a call first --ask for Angie. I'd recommend it. There is a lot of fabulous art by the students to be enjoyed there.
They do a lot of mosaics! It's one of their favorite mediums. They also do a lot of ceramics and have a couple of kilns. And, if you're interested, they are very open to doing projects with artists from the community.
Thanks for the information. I'll go by and take a look.
Mosaics rule. They were big in ancient times cause most stuff was broken in transit. No bubble wrap until way after the Roman Empire
Most food was the consistency of grout in the Middle ages--again-MOSAICS!!
Availability is the Mother-In-Law of Invention.
I'm totally inspired, I'm gonna slap my oatmeal onto the wall this morning and then add raisins and nuts.
Just don't get me goin' on Mobiles!! I can hang some shit.
Alexander Calder invented the mobile in the 20th century, but shit goes back even before the Roman Empire. But can you imagine what it must've been like with no bubblewrap? No wonder the Empire collapsed. They likely didn't have duct tape either.
They made up for all the shortages with orgies...and spas! They just don't do the traditional grape-hog shank-annointing oil orgy anymore.
Just the occasional groups of nakedness
As D Bowie said it's just "AWWWW-wham bam thankyou mam!"
actually annointing oils were probably pretty annoying oils back then.
It must've been awful back then, I mean imagine an orgy without bubblewrap and duct tape!
Oh, OK, I forgot..
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