Dawn is the brains of the operation, her mind is constantly working out solutions to problems and figuring how thinks can fit. She came up with several very creative and innovative ideas which we employed. Betty is a hard working artist. She makes stuff, and she makes more stuff, her fingers always busy and her nose to the grindstone. This thing would probably be a month or two behind without Betty's energetic input.

Alan's contribution is loose and relaxed. Very intuitive, he just knows what to do. His hand adds a very distinctive and stylish elegance to the work.

Sarah's insightful and humorous way of seeing things and her firm grasp of irony has helped us to keep our feet on the ground and our egos in their proper place.

Jaimal is a freaking genius. Without Jaimal we'd be like a rock band without a lead guitarist.

Elizabeth's calm almost zen like assurance has helped us to focus our energies. She has been invaluable in that she is somehow able to balance all the crazy creative ideas the group has with her extremely strong and developed sense of design. Her touch is everywhere present, tweaking this, and adjusting that, she makes it all fall into place so perfectly.
So glad to have you back-my wrappings were beginning to slip a bit.
This vid is just what I was hoping you were doing. Can't wait to see it.
Keep up the great work you are doing and try to keep up with your colaberators. Everyone seems to be enjoying the work.
Again-good to have school back in session.
The dog ate my homework!
no dudeDah, sorry but dogs dont eat digital images, and the usual punishment is having your IP blocked from the HS blog comment section for a full 24hrs, but... we'll let you off the hook if you email us a jpg of your wrapped head by next week Tuesday.
Let that be a warning to the rest of you slacker HS students out there --mail us your wrapped heads as soon as possible (don't think about it, just wrap it and snap it) --or you may get an email from the red queen.
Ah, the red queen. Now there was a tough bird!
Always with the "No head tonight-off with all head". It got to be too much.
Luckily I wrapped my head around the problem and it was fixed-lickity split!! If you know what I mean.
Anyway-JPEGs will be forthcoming so keep a lid on it.
You are even more of a cunning linguist than Lewis Carrol, no wonder the homework is late, you were obviously busy playing with, er, chess pieces.
I love your descriptions of the artists involved. This is such an exciting project!
Thanks for the warning. Working on it.
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